Flexible and versatile organisational charts for ASP.NET using
Org Chart Component.

Using JQuery with the OrgChart Component

jQuery is a fantastic Javascript library that greatly simplifies writing complex Javascript.  This page uses a jQuery library, ThickBox, and the OrgChart Component.

Belinda  Richmond
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Caz  Hale
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Chris  Norton
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Debra  Peterson
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Nathan  Kingston
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Jane  Haltington
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Harold  Duffy
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Terry  Partridge
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Html Markup

1:  <cc1:DataBoundOrganisationChart ID="DataBoundOrganisationChart1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
2:             PrimaryKey="EmployeeId" MaximumDepth="3">
3:             <ChartItem BackgroundImageStyle="Gradient3" BorderStyle="Gradient1" Colour="Green">
4:                 <ItemStyle ForeColor="Black" />
5:             </ChartItem>                        
6:             <DetailedTemplate>
7:                 <%#Container["First_Name"] %>&nbsp;<%#Container["Last_Name"] %><br />
8:                 <a href='JQueryOrgchartPopUp.aspx?EmployeeId=<%#Container["EmployeeId"]
            title='Details For <%#Container["First_Name"].Trim() %>
                <%#Container["Last_Name"].Trim() %>'
10:                     class="thickbox">More Details ...</a>
11:             </DetailedTemplate>           
12:         </cc1:DataBoundOrganisationChart>